Mae un o’n dysgwyr (HWB), William yn Ysgol Gyfun Birchgrove yn Abertawe, wedi creu’r canllaw canlynol ar gyfer defnyddio consol gemau i gael mynediad at geisiadau ac adnoddau ar Hwb.


Defnyddio Xbox neu PlayStation i gael mynediad i Hwb

Cael mynediad at eich dysgu o bell. Dull amgen o gael mynediad at ddysgu o bell yn ystod cyfnodau o gloi.


  1. Plygiwch allweddfwrdd i mewn i’r slot Xbox USB
  2. Ewch i mewn i’m gemau a’m apps
  3. Dewch o hyd i Microsoft Edge a dewis
  4. Teipiwch i mewn: Hwb a mewngofnodi fel y byddech yn yr ysgol
  5. Yna gallwch gael mynediad i’ch gwaith drwy Google Classroom neu OneDrive a defnyddio pecynnau allweddol gan gynnwys:
  • Gair
  • Timau
  • Excel
  • Powerpoint
  • Eich negeseuon e-bost
  1. I symud o gwmpas defnyddiwch y rheolydd Xbox neu ategwch lygoden



  1. Nodwch eicon porwr rhyngrwyd yr Orsaf Chwarae (www gyda dotiau o’i amgylch)
  2. Pwyswch logo’r Orsaf Chwarae ar y rheolydd
  3. Ewch i’r llyfrgell a dod o hyd i opsiynau ar gyfer gemau a chymwysiadau
  4. Ewch i mewn i geisiadau a byddwch yn dod o hyd i borwr y rhyngrwyd
  5. Teipiwch Hwb i mewn i’r porwr a mewngofnodi fel y byddech yn yr ysgol
  6. Yna gallwch gael mynediad i’ch gwaith drwy Google Classroom neu OneDrive a defnyddio pecynnau allweddol gan gynnwys:
  • Word
  • Teams
  • Excel
  • Powerpoint
  • Eich negeseuon e-bost

Lawrlwytho : using-x-box-or-play-station-to-access-hwb-cy (pdf)

One of our learners (from hwb), William in Birchgrove Comprehensive School in Swansea, has created the following guide for using a games console to access applications and resources on Hwb.

Using Xbox or Play Station to access Hwb

Accessing your remote learning. An alternative method of accessing remote learning during times of lockdown.


  1. Plug a keyboard in to the Xbox USB slot
  2. Go in to my games and apps
  3. Find Microsoft Edge and select
  4. Type in: Hwb and log in as you would in school
  5. You can then access your work through Google Classroom or OneDrive and use key packages including:
  • Word
  • Teams
  • Excel
  • PowerPoint
  • Your emails
  1. To move around you use the Xbox controller or plug in a mouse



  1. Identify the PlayStation internet browser icon (it is WWW with dots around it)
  2. Press the PlayStation logo on the controller
  3. Go to the library and find options for games and applications
  4. Go in to applications and you will find the internet browser
  5. Type Hwb into the browser and log in as you would in school
  6. You can then access your work through Google Classroom or OneDrive and use key packages including:
  • Word
  • Teams
  • Excel
  • PowerPoint
  • Your email

Download: using-x-box-or-play-station-to-access-hwb (PDF)