Gorsaf Tywydd Bro Hyddgen

Mae’r ysgol yn ffodus iawn i gael ei gorsaf dywydd ei hun. Ariannwyd hyn gan ddefnyddio prosiect COBWEB yn 2012-2015. Ers ei osod yn 2014 rydym wedi bod yn ymgorffori ei alluoedd logio yn ein gwersi gan gynnwys gwyddoniaeth, TGCh a daearyddiaeth trwy’r ysgol. Mae’r offer gwerthfawr hwn yn rhoi cyfleoedd bywyd go iawn i’n disgyblion ddefnyddio offer logio gwyddonol a chywir ar gyfer eu hymchwil a’u dysgu.

If you would like to see and use our data, please see the following links:

. Live Daily Weather Summery: (weatherlink) https://www.weatherlink.com/embeddablePage/show/149b7eefc6e84e7ca401b16836c2e7a7/summary

. Weatherlink Map: https://www.weatherlink.com/map/ee6b8a62-b079-4d22-a242-e2b925f669fd

(Please note: the school does have 5 accounts available to share with local community groups or organization which would benefit from using this data for educational or environmental purposes. If you have a project you would like the school to help you collaborate on, please contact the school, we would be happy to help.)

 . Weather Underground: https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/IMACHYNL2#history

(Free and opensource, great to export our data with basic visable graphs to help)

 . WeatherCloud: https://app.weathercloud.net/d0097607461#current

Excellent user interface to help in education to show what the weather is in a very visual way. Also supports basic customization graphs to show the weather over a period of time.