Ysgol Bro Hyddgen makes pleasing progress on last year’s successful GCSE results

5 A* to C grades– 81.1%

5 A* to C grades including Welsh/English and Maths – 67.9% 

Students achieving 5 A* to A grades – 18.9% 

29.9% of the grades achieved were A*-A

Ysgol Bro Hyddgen have yet again achieved an outstanding set of GCSE results; these results show progress on the excellent results achieved last year.

81.1% pupils achieved 5A*-C.  29.9% of the grades achieved were A*/A grades or equivalent – 18.9% of the pupils achieved at least 5A*/A.  Students who have combined vocational qualifications with their GCSEs have also achieved to a very high standard, with a 100% pass rate.  All departments have achieved overall significant successes, and this is a reflection of the hard work of all the teaching staff.

Notable achievements include:

Cerys Hickman:  9A*, 4A, 1B and Distinction in Additional Mathematics

Myfanwy Fenwick:  6A*4A,1B and 3C

Emma Halls:  4A*, 6A, 3B and Pass in Additional Mathematics

Tomos Chick: 3A*, 5A, 3B, 1C and Distinction in Additional Mathematics

Alaw Jones: 2A*, 3A 4B and 4C

Malen Aeron: 2A*, 2A, 5B, 4C

Dafydd Jones: 1A*, 10A and 2B and Pass in Additional Mathematics

Alex Monnox: 1A*, 5A, 4B, 2C, 1 Distinction in ICT and Pass in Additional Mathematics

Headteacher, Mr Dafydd Jones said: “I wish to congratulate the students on their excellent achievements and I’m very grateful to the staff for their hard work, and the parents for their continued support.   As a school, we concentrate on having a high quality and balanced curriculum alongside considerable support that gives students time to learn and personally develop not just to sit exams. This approach very much reaps its rewards when students go on to further study as shown by our very praiseworthy A Level results. I look forward to welcoming many of our students back to our sixth form next year, where, as usual, they’ll be joined by several new students from beyond the school’s catchment area”.