Dear Parent / Carer

Following a year in which the construction of the new school has been halted, I am pleased to report that I have recently attended a meeting to discuss the resumption of the work. I’m not sure when the new building will open but things are very positive at the moment.

Following our Core Visit in November we are expected to be a yellow category school which places us in the top 50% throughout Wales. However, our attendance statistics place us in the red category and prevent us from reaching the top 75% green category. So I would ask you to consider carefully before taking your children on holiday or taking them out of school during term time.

We have started a system where we reward children for over 98% attendance where they have a chance to win an ipad. We will also reward children who attend for 100% of the time.

There have been many exciting activities taking place across both campuses as you will see in this magazine. I would like to thank all staff for being so active and conscientious in educating your children and ensuring that they have great experiences.

I would like to wish a Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all.

 Yours faithfully

 Dafydd M B Jones


Ysgol Bro Hyddgen