Catch-up Sessions Wales
Dear all,
The Covid pandemic has resulted in students across Wales missing out on certain aspects and the opportunity to improve skills in various GCSE, AS and A level subjects. In order to support pupils across Wales, e-sgol will be running a number of sessions to support pupils with aspects of their work. These after school sessions will be made through the medium of Welsh and English for four weeks starting from Monday 1st, March.
These webinar sessions will be broadcasted through a live event on Microsoft Teams and facilitated by teachers from across Wales who have an expertise in the subject they’ll be delivered. The sessions delivered will be recorded and can be used at a later date.
It would be gratefully appreciated if you could share the following information to your heads of departments, teachers and pupils. Pupils will be responsible to access the site in order to click on the relevant links to join the sessions.
For more information including when the sessions will be held, visit the following website or follow the instructions on the attached poster –