Success At Powys Schools Swimming Gala

Success Powys Schools Swimming Gala   The school is very proud of the effort of each one of our pupils who has been competing in the Powys Schools Swimming Gala which was held on Friday April the 20th. We would like to especially congratulate Finlay, Louis,...

Celynen Class Gardening

Celynen Class Gardening As part of the “Hau Hadau Gerddi Bro Ddyfi” project, which was funded by the Big Lottery fund, Celynen class planted wild flowers in a purpose built flower bed. The volunteer and project co-ordinator, Anna Paxton with the assistant leader Anna...

Enterprise and Employability Challenge

Enterprise and Employability Challenge   During activities week, 8 groups from Year 10 were very busy designing and creating a Tourist Attraction Game for Wales as part of their Welsh Baccalaureate work. A very successful sale was held on Thursday afternoon and...

Work Of The Size Of Wales Charity

Work Of The Size Of Wales Charity   On Tuesday 5 June, Ann MacGarry came to deliver workshops with Yr4,5 & 6 pupils about the work of the Size of Wales charity. The charity works alongside communities living in the rainforests in various parts of the world....

United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT)

United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT) UKMT Junior Mathematical Challenge In April 37 pupils from years 7 and 8 took part in the UKMT Junior Mathematical Challenge. Over 260,000 pupils from across the UK sat the Junior Maths Challenge. Three pupils, Kaleb Wells,...

Daily Post School Awards

Daily Post School Awards For the forth time  the school was successful in being shortlisted for the best communication award with  our school website and newspaper. Unfortunately, we were not successful in winning this year but thankful for the opportunity to show the...