Official Police message Halloween / Bonfire

For Halloween We ask everyone to think how they can keep everyone safe this Halloween and not spread Coronavirus. Traditional trick or treating is not allowed.  Halloween parties in either your home or at another venue are not allowed.  Do not to meet anyone indoors...

Using Xbox or PlayStation to Access Hwb

Defnyddio Xbox neu PlayStation i gael mynediad i Hwb Mae un o’n dysgwyr (HWB), William yn Ysgol Gyfun Birchgrove yn Abertawe, wedi creu’r canllaw canlynol ar gyfer defnyddio consol gemau i gael mynediad at geisiadau ac adnoddau ar Hwb.   Defnyddio...

How to Revise – Year 11

On Friday Year 11 received a session on ‘How to Revise’. See enclosed further information and useful techniques. Adolygu...

Reaffirming Arrangements for Keeping Everyone Safe and Healthy

Reaffirming Arrangements for Keeping Everyone Safe and Healthy To ensure that we protect everyone from the virus and also to promote healthy living habits among thechildren, I would appreciate if you could address the following: Please see the document below.  ...