Poetry to Mark the First World War and Armistice Day

Poetry to Mark the First World War and Armistice Day Helygen class have composed some fine poetry to mark the First World War and Armistice Day.  A Journey to Death gan Grace a Loti A War to Remember gan Zara a Talia Blood Showers gan Betsan Field of Poppies gan Dyfed...

Onnen Class Win An Activity Workshop

“Tipyn o Gês” Workshop Onnen class were very fortunate to win a competition to receive a creative workshop – “Tipyn o Gês”. Llinos Mair author of the Wenfro book series visited the class to run the workshop. The inspiration for the workshop was the book “Parti Barti”....

Helygen Buisness Project

Helygen Buisness Project As part of a business and enterprise project, class Helygen recently ran a snack stall in the Junior Department. The stall, which they named ‘Snactastic’ ,sold healthy snacks at break times. The pupils were responsible for the planning, the...

Success At Powys Schools Swimming Gala

Success Powys Schools Swimming Gala   The school is very proud of the effort of each one of our pupils who has been competing in the Powys Schools Swimming Gala which was held on Friday April the 20th. We would like to especially congratulate Finlay, Louis,...

Celynen Class Gardening

Celynen Class Gardening As part of the “Hau Hadau Gerddi Bro Ddyfi” project, which was funded by the Big Lottery fund, Celynen class planted wild flowers in a purpose built flower bed. The volunteer and project co-ordinator, Anna Paxton with the assistant leader Anna...