Young Writers Competition

Young Writers Competition  Congratulations to Milly May Parker in Year 9 and Hanna Penrhyn Jones in Year 8 for winning the Young Writers competition and having their work published in a book called ‘Stranger Sagas’    ...

Welcome To Year 7

Welcome To Year 7 A very successful first term for our new Year 7 who have settled in really well to life in secondary education following our succsessful transition programme last year....

Medical Science visit to Aberystwyth University

Medical Science visit to Aberystwyth University   Recently, the Year 12 Medical Science group were invited to Aberystwyth University where they had the opportunity to use their specialised equipment for measuring health. The students were also given a taste of...

The School Council

The School Council       Ffion Davies Ysgol Brohyddgen Head Pupil   Since beginning our roles as head pupils, we have had several school council meetings in order to discuss what we can do, as students of the school, to develop, improve and advance...

Macmillan Coffee Morning 2018

Macmillan Coffee Morning 2018 A coffee morning was held with the aim of raising money for the Macmillan Cancer Charity. A big thank you to all who contributed towards the event. Thank you also to the Sixth Form for organising it; we raised £148 for a fantastic cause!...