Dear Parents/Carers
I am delighted to welcome you as a member of the school community. I trust that your association with the school will be happy, interesting and engaging. I hope that you as parents will play a full part in your child’s education by contributing to the essential partnership between school and home. Take advantage of every opportunity and enjoy every moment!
We have introduced this phase from January 2009 onwards for 4 year old pupils. he Foundation Phase is about enhancing the learning experiences which enable children to be creative, imaginative and to have fun whilst learning.
There are seven areas of Learning, where stimulating structured play activities can be woven into the learning experiences. The curriculum is built around these seven areas to support and encourage your child’s social, emotional, physical and intellectual well-being and development.
There is a useful booklet prepared by the Welsh Assembly which gives parents greater information and copies are available at school.
Haf ap Robert,
Assistant Headteacher


Lawrlwytho/ Download: