How We Communicate

For a small school in a rural area as Machynlleth it is essential that pupils and parents are aware of all the opportunities that are available at the school. The school has been successful in using technology to achieve this aim. The school has used a range of effective communication systems to carry out its aim of effective communication internally between staff and pupils but also externally with stakeholders including visitors, parents and the wider community.

The School Website
The school website is an essential tool for sharing key information including forms, letters, important documents and messages. The school targets its bilingual website at new pupils and their parents through its online prospectus and news blog which is fed through the school’s twitter feed. In the news section, important news and developments which are taking place at the school are posted as they happen during the school year.Website:

Social Media (Twitter and Facebook)
The use of social media is a key aspect of the school’s success in ensuring effective school and home communication. There are many school events and achievements which deserve to be recorded and the most effective and popular way to share these with parents is through using Twitter and Facebook. The advantage of social media is the ability for parents to view school postings using many different devices including the Twitter and Facebook website, using portable devices such as tablets and smart phones.
Facebook :

Text Messaging & ClassCharts
Since 2012 the school has adopted this system for communicating with parents and from its early adoption date to the present day, it has gone from strength to strength. Using the teachers2parents software the school has been able to, not only message reminders to pupils’ parents about homework or events, but also to promote pupil achievement. The school firmly believes that praising pupil achievement can lead to improved behaviour. Text messaging allows the school to praise where praise is due and for the praise to reach the home in an instant. The text messaging medium secures effective communication between the school and home. The school also uses the app “ClassCharts” which allows all parents to see their chil

ds day to day progress in school and attitude to learning. More Information –

E-learning and the use of VLE
The school has always used effective e-learning systems to close the gap between home and school. The school uses a range of e-learning systems including remote desktop which allows all its pupils to remote into the school from home and access a school based learning experience, regardless of their location. The school also uses Moodle and Office 365 which enables its pupils to access their learning from anywhere, at anytime of the day. The school also provides the same software, which can be used in the home as if they were in school. This is provided via the remote desktop application or the Office 365 portal. This ensures that all the school’s pupils have the tools they need to succeed.

Ein Bro, the school newspaper
The main purpose of the school newspaper Ein Bro is to celebrate the success of its pupils and to recognise their achievements, with the aim of inspiring others to follow. It is an also a vital communication link between the school, home and the community which aims to inform and showcase the talents of the young students.
Download the newspaper:

It would not be fair to credit all the communication tools that the school uses, including the school newspaper Ein Bro, to 1 person. Ensuring and applying good 21st century communication techniques is a team effort and a testament to the hard work of the school’s pupils and staff. The school would like to thank everyone who has contributed so far and looks forward to further co-operation and input in the future!