Primary Campus News




Racing Buggies Workshop

Racing Buggies Workshop As part of this term’s Science and Technology lessons, Helygen class participated in a workshop at Enginuity museum in Ironbridge on Tuesday 19 March.  This was a fantastic opportunity to use the museum’s expertise and resources to...

Yoga Lessons

Yoga Lessons Thanks to support from the PTA and in particular Emma Jones, finance was secured to pay for yoga lessons for children in Year 2 -5. We are fortunate that Siân Davies and Regina Hellmich – both experienced yoga teachers – have provided these lessons. This...

Swimming Gala Success

Swimming Gala Success   The school is very proud of everyone’s effort in the regional swimming gala held Thursday 22 November, and is particularly pleased to announce that Finlay Thapa won the freestyle race for Year 5 & 6 boys; also...

Primary School Council

The School Council         In meetings of the School Council held during the past term, the following were agreed: To link the Head Teacher’s Award to the 4 Purposes of the Curriculum: Ambitious Capable Learners Enterprising,...

Pupils Voice Leaders

Pupils Voice Leaders   The school is very pleased to announce that Eowyn Vaughan & Connor Farmery have been selected as Super Ambassadors to the Children’s Rights commissioner, Sally Holland. The ambassadors’ responsibility will be to...