Ysgol Bro Hyddgen Weather Station.
The school is very fortunate to have its own weather station. This was funded using the COBWEB project in 2012-2015. Since its installation in 2014 we have been embedding its logging capabilities into our lessons including science, ICT and geography throughout the school. This valuable equipment gives our pupils real life opportunities to use scientific and accurate logging tools for their research and learning.
If you would like to see and use our data, please see the following links:
. Live Daily Weather Summery: (weatherlink) https://www.weatherlink.com/embeddablePage/show/149b7eefc6e84e7ca401b16836c2e7a7/summary
. Weatherlink Map: https://www.weatherlink.com/map/ee6b8a62-b079-4d22-a242-e2b925f669fd
(Please note: the school does have 5 accounts available to share with local community groups or organization which would benefit from using this data for educational or environmental purposes. If you have a project you would like the school to help you collaborate on, please contact the school, we would be happy to help.)
. Weather Underground: https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/IMACHYNL2#history
(Free and opensource, great to export our data with basic visable graphs to help)
. WeatherCloud: https://app.weathercloud.net/d0097607461#current
Excellent user interface to help in education to show what the weather is in a very visual way. Also supports basic customization graphs to show the weather over a period of time.